Sunday, December 13, 2015

Tripartite meeting ends inconclusively Tripartite meeting ends inconclusively again

Posted by Anup Baral December 13, 2015 :
A tripartite meeting among ruling parties, the main opposition and United Democratic Madhesi Front (UDMF) ended inconclusively after main opposition Nepali Congress (NC) stick to its demand. NC proposed its earlier demand to endorse bills related to reconstruction authority and constitution amendment together in the meeting held at prime minister's office, Singhadurbar.

However, UDMF demanded that the parties endorse bill related to reconstruction authority only. "The main concern is to endorse the bill related to reconstruction authority," UDMF leaders said in the meeting, "The constitution amended bill forwarded by Nepali Congress will not be able to address Tarai protests demands. So we demanded to endorse bill related to authority only." UDMF has proposed to endorse the bill related to constitution amendment after proper consultations with the concerned authorities, UDMF leader Lal Babu Raut said. Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli had also requested the NC to assist in endorsing bill related to reconstruction authority.myrepublica

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